Sunday, December 2, 2012


by Theresa Lovelace

One of these days
I'm gonna write a poem 'bout my life.

It will be a sweeping epic,
Saturated with episodes of my struggles as a woman
Single, black, mother
It'll teem with fiery words-
Betrayal, humiliation, pain
And will overflow with triumphant words-
of pride, accomplishment, strength.

I'm gonna tell my seering story
A tale of loss innocence, broken spirits, hidden fear
A saga of courage, fortitude, love
I'm gonna tell it all.

Shadowy figures
who have left their indelible mark
will be put to shame.
And I will name each hero whose path crossed mine
Their memories still echoing trust, encouragement and love.

And when I tell my story
It will be known
That I single-handedly conquered my enemies
each and every one
And that I was victorious.

Yeah, one of these days
I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna write a poem 'bout my life.

Copyright 1995

Monday, November 12, 2012


by Theresa Lovelace

Like a knife
Piercing through warm flesh,
Your words are sharp.

They hit hard,
Like an iron hammer
Pounding a nail.

A marksman takes aim
And never misses his target.
So you, a verbal marksman, take aim
You hit where it hurts
Never missing your target.

Copyright 1994

Sunday, October 7, 2012


by Theresa Lovelace

It glistened in the sunlight
And with the masses of passersby
    there was a solitude
A loneliness that seem to go unexplained.

Below was a reflection of emptiness
   filled with tears of yesterday's tomorrows
And as sounds of distant laughter permeated the lull
It glistened in the sunlight.

An eerieness hovered over the breathtaking expanse
As it stretched from then to now
    with a multitude of unknown destinations
    nestled in its breast.

I walked along the bridge that day
Overwhelmed by the loudness of its lonely silence
A deafening silence
And I too felt a loneliness
That to this day has gone unexplained.

Copyright 1994

Sunday, September 23, 2012


by Theresa Lovelace

Beautiful velvet tapestry
Studded with glimmering gems
Draped over the stillness of the earth below.
Can I tell you my secrets?

Majestic guardian
There in your regal greatness
You wait for the day
Then fade beyond the distant hills
When she finally finds her way
Will you dry my tears when they fall?

Keeper of the planets
Companion to the moon
Silent though you speak
Can we escape to your mighty space and hide in your embrace?

Copyright 1994