Sunday, December 2, 2012


by Theresa Lovelace

One of these days
I'm gonna write a poem 'bout my life.

It will be a sweeping epic,
Saturated with episodes of my struggles as a woman
Single, black, mother
It'll teem with fiery words-
Betrayal, humiliation, pain
And will overflow with triumphant words-
of pride, accomplishment, strength.

I'm gonna tell my seering story
A tale of loss innocence, broken spirits, hidden fear
A saga of courage, fortitude, love
I'm gonna tell it all.

Shadowy figures
who have left their indelible mark
will be put to shame.
And I will name each hero whose path crossed mine
Their memories still echoing trust, encouragement and love.

And when I tell my story
It will be known
That I single-handedly conquered my enemies
each and every one
And that I was victorious.

Yeah, one of these days
I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna write a poem 'bout my life.

Copyright 1995