Friday, February 8, 2013


by Theresa Lovelace

He gently laid the canvass down
And visualized a scene,
Unblemished by the wrath of time,
Unscathed by what's obscene.

He chose each subject carefully
He chose them one by one.
And then to each, He gave a niche
Leaving out not one.

He painted an expanse above
Enrobed in majesty.
A fiery sun, a glimmering moon
And stars placed skillfully.

The air was clean and fresh for all
To breathe with no alarm.
Sparkling water, crystal clear
And causing no one harm.

Feathered creatures spread their wings
To fly the highest heights,
To soar through the air with the greatest of ease
Creating a wondrous sight.

And those that walked on all fours
He sketched in their domain,
With towering mountains and rolling hills,
Valleys and deserts and plains.

He dabbed those earthy colors on,
Warm shades of greens and browns
And upon the highest mountain tops
He painted snow white crowns.

The creatures of the ocean
As they frolicked in the deep,
Were portrayed in rich bold colors
As they quietly ruled the sea.

Delicate blossoms of every hue
Were placed strategically.
Their shades attractive to the eye
To please aesthetically.

Luscious fruits in fine detail
Were placed on vines and trees
With shades of orange, reds and golds
Done artistically.

With sensitive thought and gentle care
He painted this portrait of love,
Sisters and brothers hand in hand
The painter, our God above.

He looked at His painting and He was pleased
By the beauty and peace it displayed.
But soon a tear could be seen from His eye
And it slowly ran down His face.

For this was the scene that He visualized
Yes, this was His perfect plan
Soon to be blemished by the wrath of time
Scathed by the ravages of man.

Copyright 1995