Friday, November 1, 2013


by Theresa Lovelace
A woman of substance is she who possesses the wisdom, the confidence
  the beauty and the charm to be called a woman of substance
Her inner strength is matched only by her outer gentleness
It is she, this woman of substance, who doesn’t quiver
  when life throws its unexpected fast balls
She merely catches them and throws them back.
A woman of substance needs no one to define her
Because she has paid the price to define herself.
She needs no one to lean on
Because life has taught her how to stand on her own two feet.
She needs no one to rescue her
  because she has always been her own knight in shining armor.
A woman of substance is a survivor
She has fought many battles and have won them.
She has faced many dragons and defeated them.
She has carried many burdens and unloaded them.
She has whispered many prayers and has confronted
  armies of demons orchestrating her downfall and
Her prayers have always been answered.
A woman of substance is classy and sexy
She alludes her classy sexiness
With elegance, style and grace.
She emits her sexy classiness
With brilliance, radiance and sophistication
As only a woman of substance can.
She knows when to turn it up and when to turn it down
She also knows when to turn it off.
Dare to gaze into the eyes of a woman of substance,
  if she even lets you that close
There’s hope, love and joy
  pain, sorrow and regret
You might think that you can get into her
But beware! She’ll get into you first
You may never know the heart of a woman of substance
It’s her memory box, it’s her treasure chest
And it’s hers alone
A woman of substance is a woman indeed!  Handle with care.
Copyright 2013


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