Monday, November 18, 2013


by Theresa Lovelace

Everything changes, nothing's the same
When he touches me.

When he touches me
I'm an eagle
An eagle soaring high in the sky
I'm a mighty oak with my arms outstretched
I'm a star that shines in the night.

When he touches me
I'm a stallion
A stallion let loose from the stall
I'm a lion angrily on the prowl
I'm a raindrop ready to fall.

When he touches me
I'm a speeding train,
Racing down the track
I'm a rainbow painted across the sky
I'm lightning when it cracks.

When he touches me
I'm fire
A fire blazing out of control
I'm a steamy, passionate love story
Getting ready to be told.

When he touches
I'm the ocean
With my waves crashing on the shore
I'm a driving rain, a blustery wind
I'm a dynamic musical score.

When he touches me
I awaken
And I can no longer be
Myself, the person who I am
Whenever he touches me.

Copyright  2013

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